Roll call: A healthy cross-section of Marketing leadership who are directly engaged in marketing strategy and execution shared their insights, reflecting a rich tapestry of roles and geographic diversity.
A diverse cross-section of professionals contributed their insights to the 2024 Cella Intelligence Report Marketing Operations survey, which attracted participation from a range of roles within the marketing domain. More than half of the respondents fell into the Marketing Operations or Marketing Executives category, providing significant insight from professionals who are directly engaged in marketing strategy and execution. Respondents’ organizations conduct business primarily in North America, and a significant proportion of them have a presence in Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA), Latin America (LATAM) and the Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions.
The demographic snapshot of survey respondents reveals a rich tapestry of roles and geographical diversity, offering valuable insights into the perspectives and experiences of professionals involved in marketing operations across various industries and regions.
Which of the following best describes your role?
Which of the following best describes your role?
Which of the following best describes your title?
Which of the following best describes your organization’s annual revenue?
In which of the following industries do you work?
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